In this blog post, we will explore the profitability of goat farming in Kenya. We will cover the climate requirements, breeding and feeding methods, goat breeds, as well as the costs, profits, and challenges of goat farming in Kenya.
Facts about goat farming in Kenya
what do you know about goat production and consumption in Kenya? Below are select data and facts about goat farming in Kenya such as prices of goat meat and goat milk prices in Kenya.
- According to the 2019 census, Kenya had 27.7 million goats, as of 2020, the goat stock reached 36 million heads
- The export value of Goat meat from Kenya was USD 46.11M, and the export volume was 10.58M metric ton in 2021.
- The Economic survey 2022 reported that sheep and goats slaughtered were 12,040.2 thousand heads in 2020 and 9,478.0 thousand heads in 2021.
- Goat meat price per kg in Kenya starts from Ksh 600 retail. On the other hand, wholesale goat prices is Ksh 480 per kg in places like Kiamaiko.
- The cost or price of 1 liter of goat milk in Kenya is currently an average of Ksh 200.
Why goat farming?
Is goat keeping a good idea for you? Below are the top benefits of goat farming for urban farmers, hobbyists or commercial animal keepers.
- Multipurpose Livestock; You can raise goats for multiple products such as milk, meat, fiber, hides and manure. As such they are fit for you if you are pursuing, food production, income generation or job creation goals.
- Cheap; Goats are referred to as poor man’s cow or mini cow for they are small sized animals. This makes it easy to manage by women and children, the poor, landless and marginal farmers. Besides, goats farming require low investments for care, equipment, feeding and vaccinations. According to studies, 4 goats can be maintained as one indigenous cow.
- Adaptability; unlike other livestock, goats are capable of adapting to various agro-climatic conditions ranging from arid dry to cold arid to hot humid. They can be raised in plains, hilly tracts, and sandy zones and also at high altitudes of Kenya.
- Profitability & Quality; Goats milk is considered better for human nutrition than other types of dairy. Goat meat has no religious or cultural taboo and is relished by all sections of society. It also has less fat and is more in demand than beef and poultry meat. Finally, Goat manure is 2.5 times richer in nitrogen and phosphoric acid than cow manure.
Which are the best areas to keep goats in Kenya?
In general, goats are adaptable to a wide range of climates in Kenya. They can thrive in arid, semi-arid, and highland environments. The most ideal climate for goat raising depends on the breed of the goat and the production management system being used. Some meat goat breeds, such as the Boer and the Gala goat, are well-suited for hot and dry climates. Dairy goat breeds, such as the Alpine and the Saanen, can tolerate cold and wet conditions in Kenya highlands. Ultimately, successful goat raising requires careful attention to the specific needs of the goats and the local climate and environmental conditions.
How to raise goats in Kenya?

Which is the best method to raise goats in Kenya? There three goat production systems in Kenya; Intensive, semi-intensive and extensive production system.
Intensive production system is also known as zero grazing. You will house your goats in an enclosure and provide them with water and fodder. It’s common for fairy goat farming in Kenyan highlands and urban areas where land sizes are small.
Extensive goat rearing system is also known as pastoralism. It involves grazing animals in the natural habitats. It’s common for goat meat farming in Semi-Arid areas. It requires large land with suitable vegetation for goats.
Semi intensive goat farming is a hybrid of both the intensive and extensive systems. The goats are left to graze in the open and also provided with feed, water and housing.
To select the best method to raise your goats, consider factors such as availability of land, goals and other resources. Whichever goat feeding or farming you choose, ensure that your goats have access to a balanced diet that includes a combination of forage, concentrates and minerals. Feeding should be done in a way that ensures that the goats have access to feed throughout the day.
Which is the best Goat Breed in Kenya?
The most common goat breeds in Kenya are the Boer, the Saanen, and the Alpine. These breeds are known for their high meat and milk production, as well as their resistance to diseases. The Boer breed is known for its high meat production, while the Saanen and the Alpine breeds are known for their high milk production.
Goat breeding can be done through both natural and artificial methods. Artificial insemination is becoming increasingly popular among farmers as it leads to higher conception rates, improved genetics and reduced disease transmission.
Costs and Profits
Looking to draw your goat farming business plan in Kenya? The initial investment costs for goat farming in Kenya can vary depending on the scale of the operation and the equipment used. The main costs include land, breeding stock, equipment, and labor. The cost of land varies depending on location, but it typically ranges from KES 20,000 to KES 50,000 per acre.
The cost of breeding stock can also vary depending on the breed and the quantity needed, but it typically ranges from KES 10,000 to KES 50,000 per head. Equipment costs can include things such as fencing, housing, and feeding equipment, and can range from KES 30,000 to KES 50,000. Labor costs will depend on the number of workers needed, and can range from KES 10,000 to KES 20,000 per acre.
Operating costs for goat farming in Kenya include feed, veterinary services, and marketing. The cost of feed can range from KES 20,000 to KES 30,000 per acre, while the cost of veterinary services can range from KES 5,000 to KES 10,000 per acre. Marketing costs will depend on the type of marketing strategy used, but can range from KES 10,000 to KES 20,000 per acre.
The current market prices for goat meat in Kenya range from KES 400 to KES 600 per kilo, and for milk from KES 20 to KES 30 per liter. The potential profits and returns on investment for goat farming in Kenya can be quite high, with farmers earning a profit of KES 100,000 to KES 250,000 per acre, depending on the scale of the operation and the management practices.
Challenges and Risks
Like any farming venture, goat farming in Kenya comes with its own set of challenges and risks. Disease management is a major concern, with diseases such as pneumonia, tick-borne fever, and parasites posing a significant threat to the goats. Weather and climate risks, such as floods and droughts, can also negatively impact the crop. Market fluctuations and competition from other farmers and imported products can also affect the profitability of goat farming in Kenya.
To mitigate these risks, farmers can implement good breeding and management practices such as vaccination, deworming and tick control, proper housing and feeding. Additionally, farmers can also diversify their income streams by also producing goat milk, cheese and soap, which can fetch higher prices in the market.
In conclusion, goat farming in Kenya is a profitable venture for farmers. Goat meat and milk are in high demand in the Kenyan market, and the costs and profits of goat farming in Kenya are favorable. While there are challenges and risks involved, these can be mitigated with proper planning, management practices and diversification. For those interested in starting a goat farming business in Kenya, it is important to research the best practices, seek advice from experienced farmers and explore different income streams. The future outlook for goat farming in Kenya is positive, with increasing demand and potential for growth in the industry.
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